Josef Koudelka | Ruins

$125.00 + HST & Shipping

Hardcover, 9.5 x 12.4 inch

ISBN: 9781597114899
368 pages, 171 photographs
Published by Aperture 


For more than twenty years, Koudelka has traveled through the Mediterranean—visiting places such as Italy, Libya, Greece, and Syria—to photograph more than two hundred archaeological sites. Stark and mesmerizing panoramic photographs take the viewer to Delphi, Pompeii, Petra, Carthage, and other ancient locations, including sites now greatly altered or destroyed due to recent conflict. Ruins is a monument of architectural and cultural history, as well as civilizations long past. Published to coincide with a major exhibition at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, this volume includes enlightening texts by a Greek studies expert, curator, and agricultural engineer that cast another look at antiquity and its ruins.


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