Alison Rossiter | Expired Paper

$ 85.00 + HST & Shipping

Hardcover, 11 x 12.75 inches

ISBN 9781942185338

196 pages 

Published by Radius Books & Yossi Milo Gallery

Texts by Leah Ollman


Divided into sections that represent the breadth of ALISON ROSSITER’s process and vision, Expired Paper offers a comprehensive look at the artist’s body of work—Latent, Tarnish, Landscapes, Pools, Pours, Dips, Quads, and Collages. 


Art critic Leah Ollman has been contemplating Rossiter’s work for years, and her accompanying text serves as an ideal complement to the images: “All of the works pay homage to the rich idiosyncrasies of photographic papers across history, and restore a sanctity to the photograph as object. Made without cameras, lenses or film, the works are nothing but process and materiality. Their subject, if they can be said to have one, is time, photography’s most irreducible ingredient.” (Art in America)

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