Exhibition Dates: February 18 – March 25, 2006           

Opening reception for the artist: Saturday, February 18, 2-5 PM


We are pleased to present our second solo exhibition of work by Vid Ingelevics. Entitled Platforms, it features photographs based upon an earlier project exhibited in 2004 during the Contact Toronto Photography Festival. In its earlier guise, the work appeared as the installation of a set of large-scale photographs of Ontario deer-hunting platforms in the Museum subway station. Effecting "station domination" (as it is called in the advertising sales world), the photographs occupied all of the frames usually reserved for advertisements in the station. In that installation, close perusal of the images was impossible without risking death from electrocution.


The current incarnation of this exhibition presents several photographs of hunting platforms in conjunction with photographs of the Museum subway station itself. The hunting platforms exist as a form of rural, vernacular architecture often mistaken by city dwellers for children's treehouses; the subway station platform is a vernacular artifact of the city itself. Significantly, this station is slated to be remodeled in the near future as part of a plan to have certain stations reference the cultural institutions that they happen to serve. The station’s austere modernist design will undoubtedly give way to a far more theatrical enactment of a committee's idea of what the Royal Ontario Museum represents.