Volker Seding | Animal Kingdom

15 February - 17 March 2007

Exhibition Dates: February 15 – March 17  


Volker Seding is one of Canada’s most accomplished photographers.  His many different photographic projects are connected by a common aesthetic that is sculptural, precise, and always beautiful. In recent years, Seding has approached his subject matter from the vantage point of a witness. His project, the Zoo Portfolio, remains one of the most interesting documents of modern day exhibitions of wild animals. Near the end of this 10-year colour project, Seding began to recognize a few of his images seemed better suited to black and white photography. Remaining a visitor to zoos (his childhood home was adjacent to the Berlin zoo), a few years ago Seding began adding again to this series.    


“Since I was a kid the Zoo has always been a magical place for me. Where else can one go where life on this planet is presented in such density? Sadly, it is also a place where some of the animals make their last stand. There is no doubt that we have become the agents of natural selection and control what species will survive. Not long ago we respected the animals because we depended on them for our survival.”


His work has been exhibited widely across North America and through Europe and can be found in numerous important institutions and private collections. This is our third exhibition of his work.