Current Exhibition: Louie Palu | Distant Early Warning

Opening Reception: Thursday, June 27, 5-8pm

Guided Tour of the Exhibition with Louie Palu: Thursday, June 27, 6:30pm

Exhibition Dates: June 27 - August 24, 2024


Stephen Bulger Gallery is pleased to present Distant Early Warning, our first solo exhibition of work by Louie Palu.


Distant Early Warning provides a window into the evolving state of militarization of the Arctic, documenting the fragmented legacies of the Cold War along increased military presence of countries wishing to stake a claim in the region. The changes are exacerbated by climate change with the fact the area is warming more rapidly than any other part of the world. Working on this project since 2015, Palu has noticed a shift in the geopolitical tensions and changing life of Indigenous communities. One of the justifications used in the militarization of the area is the security narrative – the idea that once the ice melts, natural resources like oil and new shipping routes will become part of a new northern economy. Viewed as the final frontier, many countries in search of natural resources or new economic opportunities want to stake their claim.


Learn More.



Tuesday – Saturday: 11am to 6pm






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